
香河家具厂家 香河家具批发市场 贤虎家具,经过十八年的发展,已经成为青少年儿童家具行业,尤其在技术创新、产品升级方面均取得重大突破。公司作为青少年儿童家具生产基地占地近10万平方米,涵盖实木家具、板木家具、板式家具、软体家具四大类儿童家具,旗下拥有9条色彩家具生产线及青少年儿童家具研发中心、展示体验中心。

香河家具厂家 香河家具批发市场 贤虎家具早在2003年就引进欧美环保技术及材料,达到E1家具环保标准,并获得欧洲TUV环保认证的家具企业;2006年,攻克技术难关,是采用目前环保的不含天那水的水性漆涂装工艺,产品环保优势遥遥业界。在中国成为家喻户晓的品牌。同时,作为产品线丰富的青少年儿童家具品牌,公司十分重视“产品系列的高端创新与研发,不惜斥巨资从国外引进生产设备,力求每年定期推出时尚潮流新品。

Xianghe Furniture City, children's suite furniture, business furniture, after eighteen years of development, has become the children's furniture industry, especially in technological innovation, product upgrades have made significant breakthroughs. As a young children's furniture production base covers an area of nearly 100 thousand square meters, covering wood furniture, Sakaki furniture, furniture, upholstered furniture four categories of children's furniture, owns 9 color furniture production line and the young children's furniture R & D center, exhibition center experience.
Xianghe furniture city children's suite of furniture business as early as 2003 on the introduction of Europe and the United States environmental protection technology and materials, reach E1 furniture environmental standards and European TUV certification of environmental protection furniture enterprises; in 2006, to overcome technical difficulties, is the use of the environmental protection does not contain water that day the water paint coating process, far superior products environmental protection industry. Become a household name brand in china. At the same time, as the young children's furniture brand rich product line, the company attaches great importance to product innovation and development of high-end series, have invested heavily in the introduction of production equipment from abroad, every year regularly launch new fashion trends.

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